
Instruction de retour Python


Le Python L'instruction return est utilisée pour renvoyer une valeur à partir d'une fonction. L'utilisateur ne peut utiliser l'instruction return que dans une fonction. Il ne peut pas être utilisé en dehors de la fonction Python. Une instruction return inclut le mot-clé return et la valeur qui sera renvoyée par la suite.

Syntaxe de l'instruction return :

 def funtion_name(): statements . . . return [expression] 

Programme 1

 def adding(x, y): i = x + y return i result = adding(16, 25) print(f'Output of adding(16, 25) function is {result}') 


Instruction de retour Python

Programme 2

 def adding(a, b): # this function is return the value of (a + b) return a + b def boolean_function(a): # this function is return the Boolean value return bool(a) # calling function flag = adding(2, 3) print(&apos;Output of first function is {}&apos;.format(flag)) flag = boolean_function(9 <5) print('
output of second function is {}'.format(flag)) < pre> <p> <strong>Output.</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/python-tutorial/18/python-return-statement-2.webp" alt="Python return statement"> <h3>Returning Multiple Values</h3> <p>In the Python programming language, a user can return multiple values from a function. The following are the various methods for this.</p> <p> <strong>1. Using Object:</strong> This method is similar to <a href="/c-programming-language-tutorial">C</a> / <a href="/c-tutorial">C ++</a> and <a href="/java-tutorial">Java</a> . A user can create a class to hold multiple values in a function and return an object of that class.</p> <pre> class a: def __init__(self): self.omg = &apos;javatpoint is the best website to learn&apos; self.i = 122 # This function will return an object of the class a def test(): return a() # Driver code to test the above method z = test() print(z.omg) print(z.i) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/python-tutorial/18/python-return-statement-3.webp" alt="Python return statement"> <p> <strong>2. Using Tuple:</strong> The tuple is similar to a list, but there is a slight difference between tuple and list. In the tuple, the object values cannot be changed, while the object value can be changed in the list.</p> <pre> def test(): omg = &apos;javatpoint is the best website to learn&apos; i = 122 return omg, i; # Return tuple, we could also. # Driver code to test the above method. omg, i = test() # Assign return tuple print(omg) print(i) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/python-tutorial/18/python-return-statement-4.webp" alt="Python return statement"> <p> <strong>3. Using list:</strong> The list is similar to the dynamically sized array. In the list, the user can store everything in a single variable.</p> <pre> def test(): omg = &apos;javatpoint&apos; i = 122 return [omg, i]; # Driver code to test the above method list = test() print(list) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/python-tutorial/18/python-return-statement-5.webp" alt="Python return statement"> <p> <strong>4. Using dictionary:</strong> In the Python language, a dictionary is a collection of unstructured items that are used to store data values such as hash or map.</p> <pre> def test(): a = dict(); a[&apos;omg&apos;] = &apos;javatpoint&apos; a[&apos;i&apos;] = 122 return a # Driver code to test the above method a = test() print(a) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/python-tutorial/18/python-return-statement-6.webp" alt="Python return statement"> <p> <strong>5. Using Data Class (Python 3.7+)</strong> </p> <pre> from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Book_list: bookname: str cost: float quantity_of_book_available: int = 0 # This function is used to calculate the total cost of the books def total_cost_of_book(self) -&gt; float: return self.cost * self.quantity_of_book_available book = Book_list(&apos;Python programming language.&apos;, 499, 10) i = book.total_cost_of_book() # print the total cost print(i) # print the details of the book print(book) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/python-tutorial/18/python-return-statement-7.webp" alt="Python return statement"> <h3>Function returning another function</h3> <p>In the Python programming language, a function is in the form of an object. Therefore, the user can return a function from another function.</p> <p>In the below program, The first_add function returns the second_add function.</p> <pre> def first_add(x): def second_add(y): return x + y return second_add i = first_add(20) print(&apos;The value of x + y is&apos;, i(10)) # second function def outer_func(x): return x * 5 def func(): # return the value in the different function return outer_func # storing the function in z z = func() print(&apos;
The value of x * y is&apos;, z(10)) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/python-tutorial/18/python-return-statement-8.webp" alt="Python return statement"> <hr></5)>


chaînes en c
Instruction de retour Python

2. Utiliser un tuple : Le tuple est similaire à une liste, mais il existe une légère différence entre un tuple et une liste. Dans le tuple, les valeurs d'objet ne peuvent pas être modifiées, tandis que la valeur d'objet peut être modifiée dans la liste.

 def test(): omg = &apos;javatpoint is the best website to learn&apos; i = 122 return omg, i; # Return tuple, we could also. # Driver code to test the above method. omg, i = test() # Assign return tuple print(omg) print(i) 


Instruction de retour Python

3. Utilisation de la liste : La liste est similaire au tableau de taille dynamique. Dans la liste, l'utilisateur peut tout stocker dans une seule variable.

 def test(): omg = &apos;javatpoint&apos; i = 122 return [omg, i]; # Driver code to test the above method list = test() print(list) 


Instruction de retour Python

4. Utilisation du dictionnaire : Dans le langage Python, un dictionnaire est une collection d'éléments non structurés utilisés pour stocker des valeurs de données telles qu'un hachage ou une carte.

 def test(): a = dict(); a[&apos;omg&apos;] = &apos;javatpoint&apos; a[&apos;i&apos;] = 122 return a # Driver code to test the above method a = test() print(a) 


Instruction de retour Python

5. Utilisation de la classe de données (Python 3.7+)

aussi modèle
 from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Book_list: bookname: str cost: float quantity_of_book_available: int = 0 # This function is used to calculate the total cost of the books def total_cost_of_book(self) -&gt; float: return self.cost * self.quantity_of_book_available book = Book_list(&apos;Python programming language.&apos;, 499, 10) i = book.total_cost_of_book() # print the total cost print(i) # print the details of the book print(book) 


Instruction de retour Python

Fonction renvoyant une autre fonction

Dans le langage de programmation Python, une fonction se présente sous la forme d'un objet. Par conséquent, l’utilisateur peut renvoyer une fonction à partir d’une autre fonction.

Dans le programme ci-dessous, la fonction first_add renvoie la fonction second_add.

 def first_add(x): def second_add(y): return x + y return second_add i = first_add(20) print(&apos;The value of x + y is&apos;, i(10)) # second function def outer_func(x): return x * 5 def func(): # return the value in the different function return outer_func # storing the function in z z = func() print(&apos;
The value of x * y is&apos;, z(10)) 


Instruction de retour Python