Un exception est une erreur indésirable et inattendue générée dans le programme. La plupart du temps, une exception se produit lorsqu’il y a une erreur dans notre code mais qu’elle peut être gérée. Cela perturbe le flux normal du code.
Par exemple, le code lève une exception si l'utilisateur a saisi des informations non valides, si le code est incapable de lire le fichier situé à distance ou si la connexion réseau est perdue au milieu de la communication.
IllegalStateException en Java
IllegalStateException est la sous-classe de la classe RuntimeException et constitue donc une exception non vérifiée. Il est généré explicitement par le programmeur ou par le développeur de l'API. Il est lancé lorsqu'un appel de méthode est illégal ou qu'une méthode est appelée à un moment incorrect.
Par exemple, une fois que nous démarrons un thread, nous ne pouvons plus redémarrer le même thread ; si nous essayons de faire cela, cela lève une exception d'exécution, c'est-à-dire IllegalStateException .
L'éxéption peut apparaissent généralement dans le code lorsque nous travaillons avec le framework Collections. La liste, la file d'attente, les cartes et l'arborescence sont quelques-unes des collections. Parmi ceux-ci, les listes et les files d'attente ont tendance à imposer l'exception d'état illégal aux conditions spécifiques.
Remarque : l'exception IllegalStateException ne se limite pas au framework Collections.
Voyons quelques-uns des scénarios dans lesquels le IllegalStateException sera jeté.
Exemple 1:
Le programme Java suivant décrit la situation dans laquelle nous essayons d'appeler la méthode start() alors que la méthode run() est déjà en cours d'exécution.
// importing necessary packages import java.io.*; import java.util.*; // creating a new thread in NewThread class by extending Thread class // below class is acts as a helper class class NewThread extends Thread { // declaring the run() method // executes 3 times using for loop public void run() { for (int i = 0; i <3; i++) { displaying the text system.out.println('this is example of illegalstateexception'); } creating main class public illegalstateexceptiontest1 method static void main(string[] args) object above helper newthread t="new" newthread(); starting created thread using start() t.start(); thread'); again when it already running this gives an exception < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/java-tutorial/19/how-resolve-illegalstateexception-java.webp" alt="How to resolve IllegalStateException in Java"> <h3>Example 2:</h3> <p>The following code depicts the situation where we call the start() method on a thread when the execution of run() method is over.</p> <p> <strong>IllegalStateExceptionTest2.java</strong> </p> <pre> // importing necessary packages import java.io.*; import java.util.*; // creating a new thread in NewThread class by extending Thread class // below class is acts as a helper class class NewThread extends Thread { // declaring the run() method // executes 3 times using for loop public void run() { for (int i = 0; i <3; i++) { displaying the text system.out.println('this is example of illegalstateexception'); } creating main class public illegalstateexceptiontest2 method static void main(string[] args) object above helper newthread t="new" newthread(); starting created thread using start() t.start(); try system.out.println('main going to sleep'); putting on sleep for 4000ms t.sleep(4000); awaken'); catch (exception e) system.out.println(e); message thread'); calling over a dead this also gives an exception < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/java-tutorial/19/how-resolve-illegalstateexception-java-2.webp" alt="How to resolve IllegalStateException in Java"> <h3>Example 3:</h3> <p>The following code explains the situation where we are using the remove() method to remove the element from the ArrayList, before moving to the first element.</p> <p> <strong>IllegalStateExceptionTest3.java</strong> </p> <pre> // importing necessary packages import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ListIterator; // creating the main class public class IllegalStateExceptionTest3 { // main method public static void main(String args[]) { // instantiating the object of ArrayList ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); // adding elements to the ArrayList list.add('Nirnay'); list.add('Anu'); list.add('Swara'); list.add('Pavan'); // creating the iterator object to iterate the list ListIterator it = list.listIterator(); // removing the element without moving to first position // gives an exception it.remove(); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/java-tutorial/19/how-resolve-illegalstateexception-java-3.webp" alt="How to resolve IllegalStateException in Java"> <h2>Solution for the IllegalStateException</h2> <p>To avoid the <strong>java.lang.IllegalStateException</strong> in Java we should take care that any method in our code cannot be called at inappropriate or illegal time.</p> <p> <strong>Solution for example 1 and 2:</strong> </p> <p>Consider the above example 1 and 2 where we have called the start() method more than once. If we call it only once, we will not get this exception. Because start() method is not called after starting the thread.</p> <p> <strong>IllegalStateExceptionSolution.java</strong> </p> <pre> // importing necessary packages import java.io.*; import java.util.*; // creating a new thread in NewThread class by extending Thread class // below class is acts as a helper class class NewThread extends Thread { // declaring the run() method // executes 3 times using for loop public void run() { for (int i = 0; i <3; i++) { displaying the text system.out.println('this is example of illegalstateexception'); } creating main class public illegalstateexceptionsolution method static void main(string[] args) object above helper newthread t="new" newthread(); starting created thread using start() t.start(); try system.out.println('main going to sleep'); putting on sleep for 4000ms t.sleep(4000); awaken'); catch (exception e) system.out.println(e); message thread'); we do not call again < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/java-tutorial/19/how-resolve-illegalstateexception-java-4.webp" alt="How to resolve IllegalStateException in Java"> <p> <strong>Solution for Example 3:</strong> </p> <p>The remove() method of the ArrayList class is used to remove the last element after calling the next() method.</p> <ul> <li>After removing element at current index we have to move next element to remove it. (for every call of the next() method, we have to invoke the remove() method only once).</li> <li>As the initial position of list will be before the first element, we cannot call the remove() method without calling the next() method.</li> </ul> <p>In order to prevent the exception we need to follow the above steps in our Java code.</p> <p> <strong>IllegalStateExceptionSolution2.java</strong> </p> <pre> // importing necessary packages import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ListIterator; // creating the main class public class IllegalStateExceptionSolution2 { // main method public static void main(String args[]) { // instantiating the object of ArrayList ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); // adding elements to the ArrayList list.add('Nirnay'); list.add('Anu'); list.add('Swara'); list.add('Pavan'); // creating the iterator object to iterate the list ListIterator it = list.listIterator(); // using the next() method before remove() it.next(); // removing the element without moving to first position it.remove(); // displaying new ArrayList System.out.println('List after removing the first element: ' + list); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/java-tutorial/19/how-resolve-illegalstateexception-java-5.webp" alt="How to resolve IllegalStateException in Java"> <hr></3;></pre></3;></pre></3;>
Solution pour l'exception IllegalStateException
Pour éviter le java.lang.IllegalStateException en Java, nous devons veiller à ce qu'aucune méthode de notre code ne puisse être appelée à un moment inapproprié ou illégal.
Solution par exemple 1 et 2 :
Considérez les exemples 1 et 2 ci-dessus où nous avons appelé la méthode start() plus d'une fois. Si nous l’appelons une seule fois, nous n’obtiendrons pas cette exception. Parce que la méthode start() n’est pas appelée après le démarrage du thread.
// importing necessary packages import java.io.*; import java.util.*; // creating a new thread in NewThread class by extending Thread class // below class is acts as a helper class class NewThread extends Thread { // declaring the run() method // executes 3 times using for loop public void run() { for (int i = 0; i <3; i++) { displaying the text system.out.println(\'this is example of illegalstateexception\'); } creating main class public illegalstateexceptionsolution method static void main(string[] args) object above helper newthread t="new" newthread(); starting created thread using start() t.start(); try system.out.println(\'main going to sleep\'); putting on sleep for 4000ms t.sleep(4000); awaken\'); catch (exception e) system.out.println(e); message thread\'); we do not call again < pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/java-tutorial/19/how-resolve-illegalstateexception-java-4.webp" alt="How to resolve IllegalStateException in Java"> <p> <strong>Solution for Example 3:</strong> </p> <p>The remove() method of the ArrayList class is used to remove the last element after calling the next() method.</p> <ul> <li>After removing element at current index we have to move next element to remove it. (for every call of the next() method, we have to invoke the remove() method only once).</li> <li>As the initial position of list will be before the first element, we cannot call the remove() method without calling the next() method.</li> </ul> <p>In order to prevent the exception we need to follow the above steps in our Java code.</p> <p> <strong>IllegalStateExceptionSolution2.java</strong> </p> <pre> // importing necessary packages import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ListIterator; // creating the main class public class IllegalStateExceptionSolution2 { // main method public static void main(String args[]) { // instantiating the object of ArrayList ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); // adding elements to the ArrayList list.add('Nirnay'); list.add('Anu'); list.add('Swara'); list.add('Pavan'); // creating the iterator object to iterate the list ListIterator it = list.listIterator(); // using the next() method before remove() it.next(); // removing the element without moving to first position it.remove(); // displaying new ArrayList System.out.println('List after removing the first element: ' + list); } } </pre> <p> <strong>Output:</strong> </p> <img src="//techcodeview.com/img/java-tutorial/19/how-resolve-illegalstateexception-java-5.webp" alt="How to resolve IllegalStateException in Java"> <hr></3;>