La fonction 'timedelta()' de Python est présente dans la bibliothèque datetime, qui est généralement utilisée pour calculer les différences entre des dates données. Nous pouvons également l'utiliser pour manipuler des dates en Python, et cette fonction permet aux utilisateurs de manipuler très facilement les dates.
Datetime.timedelta(days = 0, seconds = 0, microseconds = 0, milliseconds = 0, minutes = 0, hours = 0, weeks = 0) Return: Date
Pour une meilleure compréhension, nous allons montrer comment utiliser la fonction 'datetime.timedelta()' dans l'exemple suivant :
Exemple 1:
Dans cet exemple, nous imprimerons les dates futures de trois ans et trois jours :
from datetime import datetime as D_T, timedelta as T_D # Using current time initializing_time_for_now = # To print initial date print ('Initial Date: ', str(initializing_time_for_now)) # For Calculating the future dates of three years Future_Date_After_THREE_yrs = initializing_time_for_now + T_D(days = 1095) # For Calculating the future dates of three days Future_Date_After_THREE_days = initializing_time_for_now + T_D(days = 2) # Now, we will print the calculated future dates print('Future Date after Three years: ', str(Future_Date_After_THREE_yrs)) print('Future Date after Three days: ', str(Future_Date_After_THREE_days))
dateformat.format java
Initial Date: 2021-10-14 00:09:43.611036 Future Date after Two years: 2023-10-15 00:09:43.611036 Future Date after Two days: 2021-10-17 00:09:43.611036
Exemple 2 :
Dans cet exemple, nous verrons comment imprimer les dates passées de deux ans et deux heures :
noeud de liste Java
from datetime import datetime as D_T, timedelta as T_D # Using current time initializing_time_for_now = # To print initial date print ('Initial Date:', str(initializing_time_for_now)) # For Calculating the past dates of two year Past_Date_Before_TWO_yrs = initializing_time_for_now - timedelta(days = 730) # For Calculating the past dates of two hours Past_Date_Before_TWO_hours = initializing_time_for_now - timedelta(hours = 2) # Now, we will print the calculated Past Dates print('Past date before two years: ', str(Past_Date_Before_TWO_yrs)) print('Past date before two hours: ', str(Past_Date_Before_TWO_hours))
Initial Date: 2021-10-14 00:19:18.449629 Past date before two years: 2019-10-15 00:19:18.449629 Past date before two hours: 2021-10-13 22:19:18.449629
Exemple 3 :
Dans cet exemple, nous calculerons la différence entre les deux dates différentes :
from datetime import datetime as D_T, timedelta as T_D # Using current time initializing_time_for_now = # To print initial date print ('Initial Date:', str(initializing_time_for_now)) # Some another datetime New_time = initializing_time_for_now + T_D(days = 7, hours = 6, milliseconds = 55, seconds = 12) New_time_1 = initializing_time_for_now + T_D(days = 12, hours = 64, milliseconds = 215, seconds = 90) # We will print the new time print ('New calculated time: ', str(New_time)) # Now, we will print the time difference between the two Dates: print('Time difference between the given dates is:', str(New_time - initializing_time_for_now)) print('Time difference between the initial Date and New_time_1 is:', str(New_time_1 - initializing_time_for_now))
Initial Date: 2021-10-14 00:31:13.920503 New calculated time: 2021-10-21 06:31:25.975503 Time difference between the given dates is: 7 days, 6:00:12.055000 Time difference between the initial Date and New_time_1 is: 14 days, 16:01:30.215000
Dans ce tutoriel, nous avons découvert la fonction 'datetime.timedelta()' de la bibliothèque datetime en Python. Nous avons également discuté de divers exemples pour mieux comprendre le concept de manipulation des dates et de calcul de la différence entre deux dates.